Dear visitors,


As the Supervisor of La Salle, it is my great pleasure to extend a warm greeting to you and introduce you to the spirit and essence of our school through this revamped online platform.


La Salle College has a rich history and an enduring commitment to providing quality education rooted in the Lasallian values of Faith, Service and Community. This renewed website offers a window into the vibrant tapestry of our school community, showcasing the values, achievements, and opportunities that define us.


As you navigate through the pages, you will discover the pillars upon which our school stands: academic excellence, character formation, and the Lasallian spirit. We take great pride in our strong sense of community at La Salle. Our students not only excel academically but also actively engage in a diverse range of co-curricular activities, sports, and service initiatives. Our website showcases their accomplishments and provides first hand witness to the remarkable talents, achievements, and contributions of our boys.


Whether you are a prospective student, a parent, an Old Boy or a visitor seeking to learn more about our school, I invite you to delve into our revamped website and discover the unique ethos that makes La Salle “something more”. It also provides invitations on how you can offer support to the school which we greatly appreciate. Should you have any inquiries or require further information, our staff members are readily available to assist you.


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the dedicated team who have worked tirelessly to revamp our website, ensuring that it truly reflects the essence and tradition of La Salle. Their efforts have resulted in an engaging and user-friendly platform that showcases the vibrancy of our school community.



Brother Thomas Lavin


Bro Thomas Lavin


Dear visitors,


As the Supervisor of La Salle, it is my great pleasure to extend a warm greeting to you and introduce you to the spirit and essence of our school through this revamped online platform.


La Salle College has a rich history and an enduring commitment to providing quality education rooted in the Lasallian values of Faith, Service and Community. This renewed website offers a window into the vibrant tapestry of our school community, showcasing the values, achievements, and opportunities that define us.


As you navigate through the pages, you will discover the pillars upon which our school stands: academic excellence, character formation, and the Lasallian spirit. We take great pride in our strong sense of community at La Salle. Our students not only excel academically but also actively engage in a diverse range of co-curricular activities, sports, and service initiatives. Our website showcases their accomplishments and provides first hand witness to the remarkable talents, achievements, and contributions of our boys.


Whether you are a prospective student, a parent, an Old Boy or a visitor seeking to learn more about our school, I invite you to delve into our revamped website and discover the unique ethos that makes La Salle “something more”. It also provides invitations on how you can offer support to the school which we greatly appreciate. Should you have any inquiries or require further information, our staff members are readily available to assist you.


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the dedicated team who have worked tirelessly to revamp our website, ensuring that it truly reflects the essence and tradition of La Salle. Their efforts have resulted in an engaging and user-friendly platform that showcases the vibrancy of our school community.



Brother Thomas Lavin


Bro Thomas Lavin