Vision Statement


To inspire and challenge all stakeholders of La Salle College to embrace the Lasallian core values of faith, service and community and to aim for all round excellence as a leading school of holistic education.



La Salle College Mission Statement


Faithful to the founder, St. John Baptist De La Salle, La Salle College –

  • is committed to providing a high quality human and Christian education
  • values each boy regardless of ethnicity, religion, wealth, or status
  • provides special attention to those less gifted
  • seeks to empower all students to realise their potential through academic study, sport, and the arts
  • develops a civic service, and leadership oriented culture with its community of parents, friends and alumni



The Lasallian Spirit


The Lasallian Spirit may be expressed in different ways but, as with any Christian spirit, it is based on the Great Commandment of Jesus to love God and love our neighbour.


To help the Brothers in this, De La Salle focused on TWO particular virtues, FAITH and ZEAL.


In his Rule for the Brothers he put it this way:
"The spirit of this Institute is first, a spirit of faith, which should induce those who compose it not to look upon anything but with the eyes of faith, not to do anything but in view of God, and to attribute all to God."


"Secondly, the spirit of their Institute consists in an ardent zeal for the instruction of children."


"In order to enter into this spirit, the Brothers shall strive by prayer, instruction, and by their vigilance and good conduct in school, to procure the salvation of the children confided to their care, bringing them up in piety and in a truly Christian spirit, that is according to rules and maxims of the Gospel."


The briefest summary, then, of the LasaIlian Spirit is one of FAITH and ZEAL.
The Brothers and their collaborators attempt to enter into this spirit and to spread it through their mission.



The Lasallian Family


The LasaIlian Family designates all those who participate in the LasaIlian educational enterprise, especially those who are moving toward a sharing of the spirit and mission of St. John Baptist de La Salle.


The LasaIlian Family, therefore, includes the Brothers, administrators, managers, staff, students, former students, parents, friends and benefactors who are committed to the LasaIlian educational endeavour. Our approach should be to welcome everyone and at the same time encourage each to participate at a deeper level.



Characteristics of the Lasallian Schools


In our educational mission to the young, Lasallian schools should be characterised by 

  • respect for each student as a unique person. Lasallian teachers are called to be older brothers and sisters to their pupils.
  • a healthy community spirit among the administration, staff and students. This manifests itself in the virtue of solidarity whereby all seek the common good.
  • quality education. The Lasallian school is one where young people really learn, where they develop a thirst for the truth and where they are helped to grow in their capacity to think clearly.
  • a Christian spirit. We propose Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life and we are zealous in promoting the religious dimension of the school.
  • openness to all, the poor, the rich, the neglected. We do not discriminate according to class or status but treat all as children of God.
  • dedicated teachers who see their roles more as a vocation than a job and who work with strong faith and ardent zeal for the good of their school community, giving generously of their time, their energy and their talents.
  • a knowledge and love of St. John Baptist de La Salle. We run our schools in accord with the ideals and traditions of our Founder.



Fulfilling Our Mission


We believe we are fulfilling our mission when our students

  • are able to develop, at their own pace, to their full potential.
  • feel loved and respected within our care.
  • know what and why they believe, based on Gospel values.
  • understand and accept themselves and others.
  • think logically, judge wisely and express themselves effectively.
  • maintain physical and mental health, avoiding excesses and abuses.
  • possess social awareness and a sense of responsibility for the common good.
  • appreciate all that is noble and beautiful.
  • have a sense of belonging to their school and to the wider Lasallian family as living communities of persons. 

Vision Statement


To inspire and challenge all stakeholders of La Salle College to embrace the Lasallian core values of faith, service and community and to aim for all round excellence as a leading school of holistic education.



La Salle College Mission Statement


Faithful to the founder, St. John Baptist De La Salle, La Salle College –

  • is committed to providing a high quality human and Christian education
  • values each boy regardless of ethnicity, religion, wealth, or status
  • provides special attention to those less gifted
  • seeks to empower all students to realise their potential through academic study, sport, and the arts
  • develops a civic service, and leadership oriented culture with its community of parents, friends and alumni



The Lasallian Spirit


The Lasallian Spirit may be expressed in different ways but, as with any Christian spirit, it is based on the Great Commandment of Jesus to love God and love our neighbour.


To help the Brothers in this, De La Salle focused on TWO particular virtues, FAITH and ZEAL.


In his Rule for the Brothers he put it this way:
"The spirit of this Institute is first, a spirit of faith, which should induce those who compose it not to look upon anything but with the eyes of faith, not to do anything but in view of God, and to attribute all to God."


"Secondly, the spirit of their Institute consists in an ardent zeal for the instruction of children."


"In order to enter into this spirit, the Brothers shall strive by prayer, instruction, and by their vigilance and good conduct in school, to procure the salvation of the children confided to their care, bringing them up in piety and in a truly Christian spirit, that is according to rules and maxims of the Gospel."


The briefest summary, then, of the LasaIlian Spirit is one of FAITH and ZEAL.
The Brothers and their collaborators attempt to enter into this spirit and to spread it through their mission.



The Lasallian Family


The LasaIlian Family designates all those who participate in the LasaIlian educational enterprise, especially those who are moving toward a sharing of the spirit and mission of St. John Baptist de La Salle.


The LasaIlian Family, therefore, includes the Brothers, administrators, managers, staff, students, former students, parents, friends and benefactors who are committed to the LasaIlian educational endeavour. Our approach should be to welcome everyone and at the same time encourage each to participate at a deeper level.



Characteristics of the Lasallian Schools


In our educational mission to the young, Lasallian schools should be characterised by 

  • respect for each student as a unique person. Lasallian teachers are called to be older brothers and sisters to their pupils.
  • a healthy community spirit among the administration, staff and students. This manifests itself in the virtue of solidarity whereby all seek the common good.
  • quality education. The Lasallian school is one where young people really learn, where they develop a thirst for the truth and where they are helped to grow in their capacity to think clearly.
  • a Christian spirit. We propose Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life and we are zealous in promoting the religious dimension of the school.
  • openness to all, the poor, the rich, the neglected. We do not discriminate according to class or status but treat all as children of God.
  • dedicated teachers who see their roles more as a vocation than a job and who work with strong faith and ardent zeal for the good of their school community, giving generously of their time, their energy and their talents.
  • a knowledge and love of St. John Baptist de La Salle. We run our schools in accord with the ideals and traditions of our Founder.



Fulfilling Our Mission


We believe we are fulfilling our mission when our students

  • are able to develop, at their own pace, to their full potential.
  • feel loved and respected within our care.
  • know what and why they believe, based on Gospel values.
  • understand and accept themselves and others.
  • think logically, judge wisely and express themselves effectively.
  • maintain physical and mental health, avoiding excesses and abuses.
  • possess social awareness and a sense of responsibility for the common good.
  • appreciate all that is noble and beautiful.
  • have a sense of belonging to their school and to the wider Lasallian family as living communities of persons.