Star of Faith
This five-pointed, radiant star is the worldwide logo of the La Salle Brothers. It is the SIGNUM FIDEI, the Sign of Faith, the spirit of their Institute. This spirit of faith provides us with a spiritual vision for our daily lives.

These form part of the coat of arms of the La Salle family of Rheims, France. There are three bent bars of inverted V shapes. Chevrons are symbols of firmness and constancy indicating that we should have ZEAL in carrying out our tasks and the courage never to give up.

The Lamp and the Open Book
The lamp and the book often appear on badges of Lasallian establishments. Together they symbolize study, or the continuous process of learning.
The Chinese phrase: 克己復礼 is unique to La Salle College. It is a Confucian motto which means "To subdue one's self and return to propriety"

School motto
FIDES ET OPERA at the bottom means literally Faith and Works. This moves us to think of the need to prove our religious beliefs by our good works and reminds us of the saying of St. James: "Faith without good works is dead."
Please note that the school name, school crest and related logos and signs, etc. are intellectual properties of the Sponsoring Body of La Salle College. Any person wishing to use any of these must seek permission from the school authority. Any request with a detailed description on why and how the mark is used, could be directed to [email protected].

Star of Faith
This five-pointed, radiant star is the worldwide logo of the La Salle Brothers. It is the SIGNUM FIDEI, the Sign of Faith, the spirit of their Institute. This spirit of faith provides us with a spiritual vision for our daily lives.

These form part of the coat of arms of the La Salle family of Rheims, France. There are three bent bars of inverted V shapes. Chevrons are symbols of firmness and constancy indicating that we should have ZEAL in carrying out our tasks and the courage never to give up.

The Lamp and the Open Book
The lamp and the book often appear on badges of Lasallian establishments. Together they symbolize study, or the continuous process of learning.
The Chinese phrase: 克己復礼 is unique to La Salle College. It is a Confucian motto which means "To subdue one's self and return to propriety"

School motto
FIDES ET OPERA at the bottom means literally Faith and Works. This moves us to think of the need to prove our religious beliefs by our good works and reminds us of the saying of St. James: "Faith without good works is dead."
Please note that the school name, school crest and related logos and signs, etc. are intellectual properties of the Sponsoring Body of La Salle College. Any person wishing to use any of these must seek permission from the school authority. Any request with a detailed description on why and how the mark is used, could be directed to [email protected].