The Physical Education (P.E.) Department
The Physical Education Department has 23 different sports teams which participate in a wide variety of competitions most notably the HKSSF Inter-school Sports Competitions and Jing Ying Competitions. Through participating in different sports, our students are able to acquire physical competence and knowledge of movement necessary to pursue an active and healthy life in a self-regulated manner.
Sports participation enhances students' positive sport-related values, attitudes and desirable moral behaviour, and helps transfer these skills to their daily lives. Moreover, participating in sports helps develop our students’ confidence and generic skills, especially those of collaboration, communication, creativity, critical thinking and aesthetic appreciation which can be easily experienced in competitions and training sessions. Sports participation also fosters our students’ sense of belonging to the school when they are offered opportunities to represent the school and support their classmates and teammates in matches and competitions.
In addition to our passionate and dedicated athletes and teachers, Old Boys and coaches provide invaluable guidance and training to help our athletes excel.

The Physical Education (P.E.) Department
The Physical Education Department has 23 different sports teams which participate in a wide variety of competitions most notably the HKSSF Inter-school Sports Competitions and Jing Ying Competitions. Through participating in different sports, our students are able to acquire physical competence and knowledge of movement necessary to pursue an active and healthy life in a self-regulated manner.
Sports participation enhances students' positive sport-related values, attitudes and desirable moral behaviour, and helps transfer these skills to their daily lives. Moreover, participating in sports helps develop our students’ confidence and generic skills, especially those of collaboration, communication, creativity, critical thinking and aesthetic appreciation which can be easily experienced in competitions and training sessions. Sports participation also fosters our students’ sense of belonging to the school when they are offered opportunities to represent the school and support their classmates and teammates in matches and competitions.
In addition to our passionate and dedicated athletes and teachers, Old Boys and coaches provide invaluable guidance and training to help our athletes excel.