Parent Teacher Association



  1. To serve the parents
  2. To foster a strong relationship between the parents and teachers of the College
  3. To provide a platform for parents to channel their views and opinions to the College
  4. To run student programmes together with the College
  5. To run parent education seminars
  6. To form a dynamic partnership with the College with a view to ensuring quality education for the students



PTA Activities

  1. F1 Summer Bridging Programme
  2. Education Seminars
  3. Student Reading Club
  4. Community Service Club
  5. Parent Cultural and Sport Activities
  6. Family Fun Day
  7. Anniversary Dinner 
  8. Year-end Study Tour




Standing Committee 2024-25

Parents Teachers 

Ms. TSANG Florona (Chairperson)

Mr. LEE Anderson (Vice Chairperson)

Mr. HO Gideon (Hon. Secretary)

Ms. WONG Emma (Hon. Treasurer)

Ms. HUI Lila

Mr. KOO Peter

Ms. KWAN Neko

Mr. LO Jeffrey

Mr. WONG Willie

Mr. YICK Ping Fai

Mr. LEUNG Steve (Principal)

Mr. CHAN Samuel (Vice Principal - Academic)

Ms. CHEUNG Alsace (Vice Principal - Pastoral)

Mr. YIP Bart (Vice Principal - Development)

Mr. MA Martin (Careers Master)

Ms. SY Josephine (Guidance Mistress)

Mr. MAK John (Discipline Master)

Mr. LAM Alfred (Home-School Coordinator)

Ms. WONG Lavinia (Teacher Representative)

Ms. TANG Clarice (Teacher Representative)





Mr. NG Abraham (Senior Social Worker Supervisor)

Parent Teacher Association



  1. To serve the parents
  2. To foster a strong relationship between the parents and teachers of the College
  3. To provide a platform for parents to channel their views and opinions to the College
  4. To run student programmes together with the College
  5. To run parent education seminars
  6. To form a dynamic partnership with the College with a view to ensuring quality education for the students



PTA Activities

  1. F1 Summer Bridging Programme
  2. Education Seminars
  3. Student Reading Club
  4. Community Service Club
  5. Parent Cultural and Sport Activities
  6. Family Fun Day
  7. Anniversary Dinner 
  8. Year-end Study Tour




Standing Committee 2024-25

Parents Teachers 

Ms. TSANG Florona (Chairperson)

Mr. LEE Anderson (Vice Chairperson)

Mr. HO Gideon (Hon. Secretary)

Ms. WONG Emma (Hon. Treasurer)

Ms. HUI Lila

Mr. KOO Peter

Ms. KWAN Neko

Mr. LO Jeffrey

Mr. WONG Willie

Mr. YICK Ping Fai

Mr. LEUNG Steve (Principal)

Mr. CHAN Samuel (Vice Principal - Academic)

Ms. CHEUNG Alsace (Vice Principal - Pastoral)

Mr. YIP Bart (Vice Principal - Development)

Mr. MA Martin (Careers Master)

Ms. SY Josephine (Guidance Mistress)

Mr. MAK John (Discipline Master)

Mr. LAM Alfred (Home-School Coordinator)

Ms. WONG Lavinia (Teacher Representative)

Ms. TANG Clarice (Teacher Representative)





Mr. NG Abraham (Senior Social Worker Supervisor)