Toastmasters International Team International Speech Contest cum Graduation Ceremony was successfully held on 20 April 2024 (Sat) at La Salle College.


A total of twenty-eight F.1 and F.2 students successfully completed the programme. They found that over the six months, they became better speakers and communicators in English after taking the various workshops offered by a range of speakers from the Toastmasters Community.


The results of the Speech Contest are:

Prepared Speech Contest

1st: Ian Chow (2G)

2nd: Matthew Hui (2C)

3rd: Connor Yang (2G)


Table Topic Contest

1st: Enoch But (2E)

2nd: Daniel Wu (1B)


Charisma Award

Ian Chow (2G)


We would like to acknowledge and thank especially, Br Thomas and Mr Leung for their unconditional support; Ms Sina Lo, Ms Jenny Chan, Ms Jennes Chan for their hard work and perseverance, and the Toastmasters International (District 89) for their enthusiastic assistance and guidance throughout the process.


Congratulations to the winners and all the graduates!