On a celebratory note, our school’s annual Sports Prize Giving Ceremony was held on 31 May 2024 to applaud the remarkable talents and unwavering dedication of our student-athletes. The Honourable Duncan Chiu, Chairman of Hong Kong Squash and Secretary General of the Asian Squash Federation (Class of 1991), joined the official party to celebrate the achievements of our sportsmen.


Through tireless training and unyielding perseverance, these remarkable individuals have distinguished themselves, upholding the College’s proud sporting legacy. Whether securing championship titles, breaking records, or embodying the spirit of sportsmanship, each honouree has made invaluable contributions that inspire their peers. As we commend their achievements, we are reminded that success is not merely measured by the medals earned, but by the strength of character and commitment displayed throughout their journeys. Their triumphs serve as a testament to the transformative power of sports in shaping the young minds and bodies of our Lasallian boys. 
