Presidential Election

The Presidential Election Committee is pleased to announce that Master Marcus Yang and his Cabinet has been inaugurated on 12th September 2024, marking the beginning of their tenure as the 50th executive committee of the La Salle College Student Association (LSCSA).The Cabinet is composed of:

President – Marcus Yang (5G)
Class Representatives Board Chairman – Rex Lam (5G)
Clubs Coordinating Board Chairman – Sirius Hong (5G)
Discipline Board Chairman – Moses Lau (5D)
Publications Board Chairman – Leo Liu (5G)
Secretary General – Man Pak Tin (5G)
Treasurer – Matthew Yang (5G)

This year marks the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the LSCSA. Two proposed cabinets were verified by the Steering Committee and proceeded to election: the Cabinet headed by Master Marcus Yang and the Cabinet of Master Isaac Yiu. Among which, Master Marcus Yang and his Cabinet won by a majority in the voting session held on 10th September 2024.

As one of the largest student representative bodies in Hong Kong, the La Salle College SA has served the student body for five decades and will be celebrating the Golden Jubilee this year. We shall extend our gratitude to both proposed cabinets for their willingness and courage to undertake this challenging role, and to Marcus Yang and his Cabinet for assuming this position of honour and responsibility. We have faith in Marcus Yang and his Cabinet that they will uphold and manifest our legacy with passion and integrity, as well as the unwavering commitment as the leaders and role models of La Salle students.
