The College is proud to announce that the Badminton Team captured Overall Second in the Interschool Badminton Competition. Despite facing stronger opponents than ever, our home-grown sportsmen have demonstrated resilience and determination to bring out the best for La Salle. They have truly embodied the spirit of the chant “Never Say Die.” 


The results of the Interschool Badminton Competition are as follows: 

A Grade: Third 

B Grade: Third 

C Grade: Second 

Overall: Second 


The College extends its congratulations to the Badminton Team for their hard work paying off. Credits must be given to the Team Coach, Mr Lam Hoi Tak, the Teacher Advisor, Mr Peter Leung, and the Old Boy Coaches for preparing the boys to face such tough challenges. The Team would also like to express gratitude to the parents for their dedication throughout the season. Three cheers to the players, as their outstanding performance has undoubtedly brought fame and glory to the College. We wish the Team continued success and hope that they will excel even further in future competitions.
