We are thrilled to announce that three of our Form 5 students Hung Kwan Kei Jun, Rithaeesh Natana Kumar and Chun Chee Young Justin have emerged as the winners of the Harvard Prize Book Award 2024; among whom, Jun Hung has been listed as a finalist of the Harvard Prize Book Scholarship Award by the Harvard Club of Hong Kong Education Fund.


The Harvard Prize Book Award has long been recognized as one of the most prestigious secondary school accolades in Hong Kong. Each year, the Award is given to outstanding students in the next-to-graduating class who have exemplified exceptional personal qualities, achieved all-rounded excellence and made significant contributions to the school as well as the community.


We would like to extend our most sincere gratitude to Ms Renita Schmidt for her continuous support and invaluable advice throughout the selection process. Once again, congratulations to the boys for their remarkable achievements
