We are proud to announce the successful conclusion of the F.6 Parting Ceremony, a bittersweet event that marked the departure of our beloved graduates. During the ceremony, our esteemed school supervisor highlighted the exceptional nature of this year’s graduates, acknowledging them as the ‘Service Learning Pioneers’ who have exemplified dedication to learning, serving, and caring throughout their journey at La Salle College.


The event was filled with poignant moments as students had the opportunity to reflect on their time at the school. A heartfelt photo montage video allowed them to reminisce about cherished memories, fostering a sense of nostalgia and camaraderie among the graduating class. Additionally, students were encouraged to write a postcard to their future selves, which will be sent to their home addresses a year from now, serving as a sweet reminder of their growth and experiences.


As our graduates embark on the next chapter of their lives, we extend our warmest wishes and support to each and every one of them. We have no doubt that they will continue to embody the values of learning, service, and care as they venture into the world beyond our school gates. Best of luck to the students, and may they find continued success and fulfillment in all their future endeavors.


#parting ceremony #last school day #SLP #7strengths #give thanks #graduates # wisdom from your teachers #photo montage video #postcard # cardholder #Guidance Team #La Salle College 
