Code of Student Behaviour - Laboratories


    1. No unauthorised person may enter the laboratory.
    2. No student may enter any laboratory unless the subject teacher is present. Therefore it is essential that a teacher must be the first to enter and the last to leave.
    3. Students must bring along their personal safety spectacles in every laboratory session. They must wear the safety spectacles in the laboratory whenever requested by teachers.
    4. Students must follow teachers’ instructions and must take necessary precautions to avoid accidents.
    5. No unauthorised experiment other than that instructed by the teacher can be carried out.
    6. Students must not touch or remove any apparatus or equipment which is set up in the laboratory unless authorised to do so.
    7. Eating or drinking is not allowed.
    8. Running around or playing is not allowed.
    9. Equipment and apparatus must be kept clean. Equipment & apparatus should be placed on the bench in an orderly manner after use.
    10. Reagent bottles should be returned to the appropriate place immediately after use. No chemicals or any other materials may be taken away from the laboratory.
    11. Water, gas, and electricity supplies are to be switched off immediately after use.
    12. Flame should not be left unattended. Bunsen burners that will not be used for some time are to be turned off. Any part of the body should not be stretched over lighted burners and loose-fit clothing should be avoided.
    13. Hot objects should be placed on heat resistant bench mats. Hot objects including burners, wire gauzes, tripods, and apparatus remain hot for some time after use and should be handled with care.
    14. All accidents, breakages, and spillages are to be reported immediately to the teacher or laboratory technician. Broken glassware and spilled chemicals should be cleared at once.
    15. A nominal fine will be imposed on all breakage incurred through carelessness.
    16. Solid waste, paper, etc. should be placed in the waste bins. Never put lit or smouldering paper or matches into waste bins. Pieces of broken glass must be discarded into specific plastic containers and never into general rubbish containers.
    17. Chemical waste and substances (except apparatus rinse water) should NOT be poured into the sink. Follow teacher’s instructions and pour them into specific containers.
    18. The amount of chemicals used is to be kept to a minimum. Avoid vigorous boiling and the mouths of the test tubes should never be pointed towards oneself or others.
    19. Never test any substance by tasting unless special instruction is given by the teacher. Do not smell the gas directly over the container, instead you should fan the gas gently to the nose.
    20. No student is allowed to approach the bench of another group or exchange apparatus with another group.
    21. No air conditioning should be turned on when using burners and volatile chemicals, exhaust fans should be switched on and windows left open.
    22. In case any chemicals get into the eyes, wash the eyes with sterile eye wash at once from the eye wash station. If any chemicals fall onto the skin, wash the affected area with plenty of water at once and report to the teacher.
    23. Wash hands after experiments, especially those involving the use of chemicals, living organisms, and radioactive substances.
    24. All exits and passages should be kept clear when the laboratory is in use. Students should familiarise themselves with the routes of escape.

Code of Student Behaviour - Laboratories


    1. No unauthorised person may enter the laboratory.
    2. No student may enter any laboratory unless the subject teacher is present. Therefore it is essential that a teacher must be the first to enter and the last to leave.
    3. Students must bring along their personal safety spectacles in every laboratory session. They must wear the safety spectacles in the laboratory whenever requested by teachers.
    4. Students must follow teachers’ instructions and must take necessary precautions to avoid accidents.
    5. No unauthorised experiment other than that instructed by the teacher can be carried out.
    6. Students must not touch or remove any apparatus or equipment which is set up in the laboratory unless authorised to do so.
    7. Eating or drinking is not allowed.
    8. Running around or playing is not allowed.
    9. Equipment and apparatus must be kept clean. Equipment & apparatus should be placed on the bench in an orderly manner after use.
    10. Reagent bottles should be returned to the appropriate place immediately after use. No chemicals or any other materials may be taken away from the laboratory.
    11. Water, gas, and electricity supplies are to be switched off immediately after use.
    12. Flame should not be left unattended. Bunsen burners that will not be used for some time are to be turned off. Any part of the body should not be stretched over lighted burners and loose-fit clothing should be avoided.
    13. Hot objects should be placed on heat resistant bench mats. Hot objects including burners, wire gauzes, tripods, and apparatus remain hot for some time after use and should be handled with care.
    14. All accidents, breakages, and spillages are to be reported immediately to the teacher or laboratory technician. Broken glassware and spilled chemicals should be cleared at once.
    15. A nominal fine will be imposed on all breakage incurred through carelessness.
    16. Solid waste, paper, etc. should be placed in the waste bins. Never put lit or smouldering paper or matches into waste bins. Pieces of broken glass must be discarded into specific plastic containers and never into general rubbish containers.
    17. Chemical waste and substances (except apparatus rinse water) should NOT be poured into the sink. Follow teacher’s instructions and pour them into specific containers.
    18. The amount of chemicals used is to be kept to a minimum. Avoid vigorous boiling and the mouths of the test tubes should never be pointed towards oneself or others.
    19. Never test any substance by tasting unless special instruction is given by the teacher. Do not smell the gas directly over the container, instead you should fan the gas gently to the nose.
    20. No student is allowed to approach the bench of another group or exchange apparatus with another group.
    21. No air conditioning should be turned on when using burners and volatile chemicals, exhaust fans should be switched on and windows left open.
    22. In case any chemicals get into the eyes, wash the eyes with sterile eye wash at once from the eye wash station. If any chemicals fall onto the skin, wash the affected area with plenty of water at once and report to the teacher.
    23. Wash hands after experiments, especially those involving the use of chemicals, living organisms, and radioactive substances.
    24. All exits and passages should be kept clear when the laboratory is in use. Students should familiarise themselves with the routes of escape.