Guidelines for Running Clubs


Requirements of an existing / new club

  1. Teacher Advisors
    1. One Teacher Advisor of the immediate past year should continue in his/her position.
    2. Any club officials wishing to add any new Teacher Advisors to the already existing ones will need to obtain approval from the ECA Coordination Team. 

  2.  Members
    1. There should normally be at least 15 ordinary members in a club.
    2. The CCB has the right to dissolve any club failing to meet minimum membership requirements, with the approval of the ECA Coordination Team and the Steering Committee.

  3. Membership Fees
    1. Each club ought not charge more than $10 per annum. On receiving application fees, a receipt will be issued to members by the CCB.
    2. Membership fees (if any) must be paid by a recognised member.

  4. New Club Application Procedures
    1. Interested students should:
      1. first consult the ECA Coordinator for their choice of Teacher Advisor to ensure a more equal distribution of teachers’ workload,
      2. then hand in a proposal with objectives and annual plan for the following year to the Vice Principal of the Steering Committee for approval on or before the last day of May.
    2. No new clubs can be formed which duplicates the nature of work of an existing club.
    3. Re-opening of a phased-out club: to re-open a phased-out club, students will need to follow the same procedures as opening a new club, i.e. submission of a new club proposal.




  1. Committees are to be set up within the first week of September.

  2. Submission of Documents
    All official forms can be downloaded from eclass.
    1. Club Proposals
      1. A statement with the list of committee members, coming year’s budget, activities to be organised and board design for the ECA Promotion Fair are to be submitted to any ECA Coordination Team Teacher Advisor within the first week of September as specified in the school calendar.
      2. All clubs are to propose and hold at least 3 meetings (namely the AGM, Midyear Evaluation and Final Evaluation) plus at least 4 other activities each year.
      3. The proposal is to include at least ONE activity catering for F. 1-F.2 students.
      4. Clubs failing to submit proposals on time will result in the freezing of all club activities for that academic year.

    2. A First Term (September – December) Report is to be submitted to the CCB on a date in January / February as specified in the school calendar.
      1. All club officials are to hold a meeting to evaluate activities held in the first term.
      2. An Assessment Proforma, to be assessed by both the Teacher Advisors and the CCB Committee, is required to be included in the Report.
      3. Clubs failing to hold the minimum 2 required activities before the First Term Report will need to attach a letter of explanation, endorsed by the Teacher Advisors, to give a full account of reasons pertaining to the inability of fulfilling the requirement, and list the course of actions to be undertaken to make them up.

    3. Final Evaluation Reports
      1. All clubs are to end their activities by the end of April and conduct a final evaluation in May. The Report is to be submitted to the CCB on a date in May as specified in the school calendar. A budget statement with receipts pasted on an A4 page are to be attached.
      2. Any items bought for club activities should be listed on the inventory form and submitted to the ECA Coordination Team for central monitoring purposes.
      3. An Assessment Proforma, to be assessed by both the Teacher Advisors and the CCB Committee, is required to be included in the Final Evaluation Report.
      4. For clubs failing to hold the required number of activities before the Final Evaluation Report, the Chairman will need to attach a letter of explanation, endorsed by the Teacher Advisor(s), to give a full account of reasons pertaining to the inability of fulfilling the requirement, and list the course of actions to be undertaken to make them up during the post-exam period.

  3. Requirements of Activity
    1. Clubs failing to attend the AGM held by the CCB and/or failing to hold an AGM for its club members will result in the freezing of all club activities for that academic year.
    2. Failing to complete at least 70% of the proposed activities may result in post(s) not officially recorded.
    3. All clubs are to hold at least 2 activities in each term.

  4. Finance
    1. All club finance and membership fees collected during the ECA Promotion Fair are to be collected by the Treasury of the CCB and be kept in the School Office. Club officials will need to contact the Treasurer of the ECA Coordination Team for reimbursement of all expenditure.
    2. Club officials will have to pay from their own pocket any deficits made in the club balance.
    3. Clubs that include an activity fee in their financial report will have to provide a separate financial report for that particular activity.
    4. For inter-class competitions:
      1. The PE Department subsidises all sports clubs prizes for inter-class competitions. Sports club officials are to claim reimbursements from the PE Department.
      2. Other clubs are only allowed to purchase a maximum of $100 for each individual prize, not exceeding $300 for all prizes.

  5. Distribution of circulars to classes
    1. All regular meetings or activities will be made only through the Announcement procedures.
    2. Only activities that require membership sign-ups can be made through distribution of circulars. Club committees will need to obtain approval from both the CCB and the Vice Principal of the Steering Committee.  Allow 2 working days in advance for processing. A copy has to be submitted to the ECA Coordinator for record-keeping purposes.
    3. All circulars or posters that need to be posted in classrooms will need prior approval from the Vice Principal of the Steering Committee. A copy has to be submitted to the ECA Coordinator for record-keeping purposes.

  6. Penalty Scheme
    1. Penalty mark system:
      i. Missing CCB meetings   1 point
      ii. Violation of regulations in any school function   1 point
      iii. Organising activities without notifying the CCB   1 point
      iv. Inappropriate behaviour (penalty endorsed by Teacher Advisor)   1 point
      v. Distributing inter-class schedules, circulars without prior official approval   2 points
      vi. Late submission of reports   2 points
      vii. Insufficient activities held for the term/year   2 points
      viii. Organising joint school activities without prior school approval   3 points
      ix. Inviting outside guests to the school campus without prior approval from school administration   3 points
    2. Penalty: All marks stated above are accumulative. The following actions will be taken:
      1. 2 points – Letter of Explanation to CCB
      2. 3 points – Verbal warning from CCB (c.c. to Teacher Advisors)
      3. 4 points – Warning letter from CCB (c.c. to Teacher Advisors)
      4. 5 points – Letter of Reprimand from the ECA Team (c.c. to Careers Coordinator, Discipline Master, Form Teacher and Teacher Advisors)


Booking Policies

  1. Display Boards
    1. Moving Display Boards
      1. All bookings are to be done through filling in a form which can be obtained from the School Office.
      2. Board booking forms, verified, are to be submitted to the Office two days in advance.
      3. All display boards will need to be cleared and returned to the school in June of each academic year for stock-taking purposes.
      4. For bookings longer than three months, the postings would be moved to the ECA showcase.
    2. Wall Hanging Display Boards: Request for poster post-ups are to be made to Mr. Gary Chan.
    3. Window Billboard: Panel or Team Heads wishing to secure a window billboard are to forward their request to the ECA Coordinator.

  2. GP Room Booking Procedures
    1. Bookings have to be made 1 week in advance on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school.
    2. All booking forms, endorsed by Teacher Advisors, are to be handed in to the School Office.
    3. Booking rooms other than the GP Rooms are to be made through Teacher Advisors. The College reserves the right to dissolve any club if the conditions mentioned above are not fulfilled.

Guidelines for Running Clubs


Requirements of an existing / new club

  1. Teacher Advisors
    1. One Teacher Advisor of the immediate past year should continue in his/her position.
    2. Any club officials wishing to add any new Teacher Advisors to the already existing ones will need to obtain approval from the ECA Coordination Team. 

  2.  Members
    1. There should normally be at least 15 ordinary members in a club.
    2. The CCB has the right to dissolve any club failing to meet minimum membership requirements, with the approval of the ECA Coordination Team and the Steering Committee.

  3. Membership Fees
    1. Each club ought not charge more than $10 per annum. On receiving application fees, a receipt will be issued to members by the CCB.
    2. Membership fees (if any) must be paid by a recognised member.

  4. New Club Application Procedures
    1. Interested students should:
      1. first consult the ECA Coordinator for their choice of Teacher Advisor to ensure a more equal distribution of teachers’ workload,
      2. then hand in a proposal with objectives and annual plan for the following year to the Vice Principal of the Steering Committee for approval on or before the last day of May.
    2. No new clubs can be formed which duplicates the nature of work of an existing club.
    3. Re-opening of a phased-out club: to re-open a phased-out club, students will need to follow the same procedures as opening a new club, i.e. submission of a new club proposal.




  1. Committees are to be set up within the first week of September.

  2. Submission of Documents
    All official forms can be downloaded from eclass.
    1. Club Proposals
      1. A statement with the list of committee members, coming year’s budget, activities to be organised and board design for the ECA Promotion Fair are to be submitted to any ECA Coordination Team Teacher Advisor within the first week of September as specified in the school calendar.
      2. All clubs are to propose and hold at least 3 meetings (namely the AGM, Midyear Evaluation and Final Evaluation) plus at least 4 other activities each year.
      3. The proposal is to include at least ONE activity catering for F. 1-F.2 students.
      4. Clubs failing to submit proposals on time will result in the freezing of all club activities for that academic year.

    2. A First Term (September – December) Report is to be submitted to the CCB on a date in January / February as specified in the school calendar.
      1. All club officials are to hold a meeting to evaluate activities held in the first term.
      2. An Assessment Proforma, to be assessed by both the Teacher Advisors and the CCB Committee, is required to be included in the Report.
      3. Clubs failing to hold the minimum 2 required activities before the First Term Report will need to attach a letter of explanation, endorsed by the Teacher Advisors, to give a full account of reasons pertaining to the inability of fulfilling the requirement, and list the course of actions to be undertaken to make them up.

    3. Final Evaluation Reports
      1. All clubs are to end their activities by the end of April and conduct a final evaluation in May. The Report is to be submitted to the CCB on a date in May as specified in the school calendar. A budget statement with receipts pasted on an A4 page are to be attached.
      2. Any items bought for club activities should be listed on the inventory form and submitted to the ECA Coordination Team for central monitoring purposes.
      3. An Assessment Proforma, to be assessed by both the Teacher Advisors and the CCB Committee, is required to be included in the Final Evaluation Report.
      4. For clubs failing to hold the required number of activities before the Final Evaluation Report, the Chairman will need to attach a letter of explanation, endorsed by the Teacher Advisor(s), to give a full account of reasons pertaining to the inability of fulfilling the requirement, and list the course of actions to be undertaken to make them up during the post-exam period.

  3. Requirements of Activity
    1. Clubs failing to attend the AGM held by the CCB and/or failing to hold an AGM for its club members will result in the freezing of all club activities for that academic year.
    2. Failing to complete at least 70% of the proposed activities may result in post(s) not officially recorded.
    3. All clubs are to hold at least 2 activities in each term.

  4. Finance
    1. All club finance and membership fees collected during the ECA Promotion Fair are to be collected by the Treasury of the CCB and be kept in the School Office. Club officials will need to contact the Treasurer of the ECA Coordination Team for reimbursement of all expenditure.
    2. Club officials will have to pay from their own pocket any deficits made in the club balance.
    3. Clubs that include an activity fee in their financial report will have to provide a separate financial report for that particular activity.
    4. For inter-class competitions:
      1. The PE Department subsidises all sports clubs prizes for inter-class competitions. Sports club officials are to claim reimbursements from the PE Department.
      2. Other clubs are only allowed to purchase a maximum of $100 for each individual prize, not exceeding $300 for all prizes.

  5. Distribution of circulars to classes
    1. All regular meetings or activities will be made only through the Announcement procedures.
    2. Only activities that require membership sign-ups can be made through distribution of circulars. Club committees will need to obtain approval from both the CCB and the Vice Principal of the Steering Committee.  Allow 2 working days in advance for processing. A copy has to be submitted to the ECA Coordinator for record-keeping purposes.
    3. All circulars or posters that need to be posted in classrooms will need prior approval from the Vice Principal of the Steering Committee. A copy has to be submitted to the ECA Coordinator for record-keeping purposes.

  6. Penalty Scheme
    1. Penalty mark system:
      i. Missing CCB meetings   1 point
      ii. Violation of regulations in any school function   1 point
      iii. Organising activities without notifying the CCB   1 point
      iv. Inappropriate behaviour (penalty endorsed by Teacher Advisor)   1 point
      v. Distributing inter-class schedules, circulars without prior official approval   2 points
      vi. Late submission of reports   2 points
      vii. Insufficient activities held for the term/year   2 points
      viii. Organising joint school activities without prior school approval   3 points
      ix. Inviting outside guests to the school campus without prior approval from school administration   3 points
    2. Penalty: All marks stated above are accumulative. The following actions will be taken:
      1. 2 points – Letter of Explanation to CCB
      2. 3 points – Verbal warning from CCB (c.c. to Teacher Advisors)
      3. 4 points – Warning letter from CCB (c.c. to Teacher Advisors)
      4. 5 points – Letter of Reprimand from the ECA Team (c.c. to Careers Coordinator, Discipline Master, Form Teacher and Teacher Advisors)


Booking Policies

  1. Display Boards
    1. Moving Display Boards
      1. All bookings are to be done through filling in a form which can be obtained from the School Office.
      2. Board booking forms, verified, are to be submitted to the Office two days in advance.
      3. All display boards will need to be cleared and returned to the school in June of each academic year for stock-taking purposes.
      4. For bookings longer than three months, the postings would be moved to the ECA showcase.
    2. Wall Hanging Display Boards: Request for poster post-ups are to be made to Mr. Gary Chan.
    3. Window Billboard: Panel or Team Heads wishing to secure a window billboard are to forward their request to the ECA Coordinator.

  2. GP Room Booking Procedures
    1. Bookings have to be made 1 week in advance on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school.
    2. All booking forms, endorsed by Teacher Advisors, are to be handed in to the School Office.
    3. Booking rooms other than the GP Rooms are to be made through Teacher Advisors. The College reserves the right to dissolve any club if the conditions mentioned above are not fulfilled.