Code of Student Behaviour - General



  1. The College uniform must be worn correctly and with pride within and outside the school and at all school functions. [Refer to Guide­lines of School Uniform and Appearance.];
  2. The summer uniform includes a plain spread-collar, short sleeved white shirt with school tie, medium-grey school trousers with black belt and plain black leather shoes with black socks. (black V-neck sweater or vest optional.);
  3. The winter uniform includes a black blazer with school badge, a plain V-neck black sweater or vest, a long sleeved white shirt with school tie, medium-grey school trousers, plain black leather shoes with black socks.;
  4. The correct summer and winter P.E. uniform is required for P.E. lessons.;
  5. All students must strictly follow the Guidelines of the School Uniform and Appearance.;


1. Attendance

1.1.    Students must be punctual for all lessons and school activities.

1.2.    All students must tap their student ID card at the main entrance for attendance taking. If students don’t tap their student ID card because they forgot their student ID cards or other reasons, students must report to the School Office immediately.

1.3.    Students must line up at the place of assembly by 7:58 am before the first lesson and by 1:23 pm at the end of lunch time (for winter timetable).

1.4.    Late students are to obtain a late slip from the School Office after 8:00 am before being admitted to their classroom. [Refer to Latecomer’s Policy]

1.5.    Students must not leave the school premises during school hours unless permission has been granted by the Principal (or a delegated authority).

1.6.    Absence or early leave is permitted only in case of sickness or with prior permission by the Principal. Students must hand in a letter from their parent/guardian, with the support of valid documents (e.g. doctor’s medical certificate, or official proof), which are signed by their Form Teacher, seeking permission prior to the absence or the following day of early leave due to illness. 

1.7.    Lateness, early leave and absence must be explained, especially on special school days, like Swimming Gala, Athletics Meet, School Outing, Christmas Mass, Christmas Gathering, Founder’s Day Mass and post examination activities; otherwise, it will be seen as truancy. If the absence is known before the above-mentioned special school days, approval from the Principal must be obtained. Otherwise, students must provide valid documents (e.g. doctor’s medical certificate or official proof) which are signed by their Form Teacher.

1.8.    Students are advised not to have medical/dental/musical appointments during school hours.

1.9.    If a student becomes ill at school or wishes to leave early, he should report to the teacher in class and obtain an early-leave slip from the School Office, which will be signed by the Form Teacher and countersigned by the Principal (or a delegated authority). He will be sent home after the College has notified his parents/guardians.

1.10.  A student who is unable to participate in P.E. lessons is to seek for prior approval from the Principal. (P.E. is a compulsory and essential element of the curriculum for all students.)


2. Conduct

2.1.     Students must behave well at school and in public at all times.

2.2.     Students should use the simple, polite and appropriate language of a school boy. Any student using vulgar, rude or threatening language is a disgrace to himself and to the College. Use of abusive/foul language both in and outside of the College will be punished.

2.3.     Students should observe proper protocol with their best behaviour during all school activities, assemblies and functions.

2.4.     Unbecoming behaviour, like screaming and booing, is not allowed at any time inside or outside of the College.  

2.5.     Only one person talks at a time. Due respect should be given to the presenter by observing silence and attentiveness.

2.6.     Students are to stand up and greet their teachers or visitors when they enter or leave the classrooms.

2.7.     Students are to respect supporting staff, janitors and security guards. 

2.8.     To promote and cater for learning and teaching, the school does not allow students to participate in unauthorised activities of any sort on campus, let alone any unlawful or criminal activities.


3. General School Rules and Regulations

3.1.    Students are to carry their student ID card at all times for identification purposes. Students must ensure that their student ID cards are kept secure and are not deliberately or inadvertently made available for use by any other person.

3.2.    To enhance campus security, on non-school days, students must present their student ID cards when entering the campus. The guard will keep a record of their entry and exit of the campus.

3.3.    Students must treat school property with care. Students should not deface furniture, e.g. carve on the desk, draw with correction pen on desks or chairs, etc.

3.4.    Students are not to bring any items that are disapproved of by the school. [Refer to Prohibited Items.]

3.5.    Students are not permitted to enter any rooms without teacher supervision.

3.6.    Students are to line up quickly and observe strict silence when the first bell rings or when they go to or come back from laboratories, special rooms, P.E. lessons, etc. Students should keep good order and keep to the left when using corridors and staircases.

3.7.    Students are to leave their classrooms and corridors during recess and lunch break.

3.8.    Students are to sit according to the seating plan. Seats can only be changed with the approval of the Form Teacher.

3.9.    Students are not to leave their classrooms during a lesson without their teacher’s permission. Use of personal lockers during and in between lessons is strictly forbidden. [Refer to Regulations Concerning the Use of Lockers.]

3.10.  Phones and mobile devices are not to be used once a student is on the campus until the end of the school day unless directed by teachers. [Refer to Mobile Phone and Laptop Policy.]

3.11.  Playing card games or Rubik’s Cube is not permitted at any time on the College campus except during club activity sessions with teacher’s supervision. 

3.12.  Electronic games and texting are not permitted at any time on the College campus unless directed and supervised by a teacher.

3.13.  Food or drink are only allowed at the designated places. (the Canteen on LG1, the Tuck Shop and the Covered Playground (beside the swimming pool) on G/F). Gum is not permitted anywhere on the campus.

3.14.  Students are to follow the directions of the school personnel and the security guards as they are carrying out authorised school instructions.


4. Safety Rules

4.1.     Students are not to slide down the handrails.

4.2.     Students are not to move the chairs and tables in the Garden without good reason.

4.3.     Students are not to run along the corridors, staircases or in the Lower Quadrangle.


5. Assignments

5.1.     Students must complete all written and oral assignments every day.

5.2.     For students who fail to submit their assignments, teachers may exercise punishment or mark penalty at their own discretion.


6. Out of Bounds

The following places are out of bounds to ALL students:

6.1.    The Brothers’ living quarters on 5/F

6.2.    The Staff Rooms

6.3.    The canteen and the tuck shop during lesson time

6.4.    The Gym Gallery and all corridors in LG1 and LG2 except those facing the football field

6.5.    The car park

6.6.    The lifts

6.7.    Staircases in the Aimar and Cassian Wings

6.8.    The roof


7. Use Of School Facilities

7.1.     All students must carry their student ID card whenever they enter the College campus for checking purposes. Failure to do so will result in being barred from entering the school campus.

7.2.     All students (including students who have been dismissed for public examinations) must wear proper school uniform if they attend any school organised activities, events, student meetings, meeting teachers or studying on school days until the end of the school year in mid-July.

7.3.     Students who need to enter a classroom after school or when the classroom is locked are to register at the School Office. Students are required to have a teacher/guard present.

7.4.     Students must not leave their valuables unattended to avoid loss or theft, especially during inter-class ball games and competitions. In case of any loss, they should report to the School Office immediately. The College will not take liability for any loss or damage.

7.5.     No ball games are allowed in the covered areas or in the Lower Quadrangle. Students are not to play football on the basketball court or in any indoor rooms. Football games may only take place on the football pitch.

7.6.     All student activities are to finish by 5:30 pm from Monday to Friday. All students must leave the school campus, except those with special permission and under the supervision of the teacher advisors. The security guards will lock all rooms after 5:30 pm.

7.7.     There should be no ball games during the examination period.


N.B.: The teacher in charge of school security matters will work with the Vice-Principal to monitor the security matters and help in the safekeeping of the school facilities after school.


8. School Cleanliness

8.1.     Students should have their meals in the three designated eating places on the campus: the Canteen on LG1, the Tuck Shop and the Covered Playground (beside the swimming pool) on G/F. They should return their plates and utensils to the designated trays and trolleys and put the rubbish properly in the rubbish bin.

8.2.      Students are not to eat or drink anywhere on the campus outside of the  designated eating places (the Canteen on LG1, the Tuck Shop and the Covered Playground (beside the swimming pool) on G/F).

8.3.     Students are not to litter anywhere on the campus.

8.4.     Inside the classroom:

 8.4.1.     Students are to keep the floor clean of rubbish of any kind.

 8.4.2.     Students are to clear the windowsill of any objects.

 8.4.3.     Students are to clear the inside of their desk of rubbish at the end of the school day.


9. Disciplinary Measures

9.1.   Depending on the nature and seriousness of the offences, penalties such as verbal warning, community service, detention, class suspension, school suspension and expulsion may result. The Principal will use his discretion in the final decision.

9.2.   For students who violate regulations regarding uniform and appearance:

9.2.1.    Students must immediately correct their uniform or hairstyle if it does not comply with the required standard. Parents/Guardians will be notified.

9.2.2.    If the student cannot meet the requirement, he will be sent home to change his uniform or hairstyle after notifying parents/guardians, even during examination time.

9.3.   Form Teachers and Subject Teachers will record offences into the eDiscipline module of eClass. Form Teachers and Subject Teachers will deal with minor offences immediately, e.g. leaving seat without permission, talkative in class, etc. A verbal warning will be given.

9.4.    Students may be required to perform a period of community service inside/ outside school to show their wish to transform and correct their misbehaviour.

9.5.    A teacher may send a student to the Homework Detention Class after school.(Tuesday 1-hour)  A Detention Referral Form will be given to the student for  parent’s/guardian’s signature and the signed form is to be handed in to the teacher concerned before detention. Students attending this Homework Detention Class will be required to finish the assigned work by the teachers. Attendance is compuslory.

9.6.    The following offences will be dealt with by the Discipline Committee and may lead to the lowering of conduct grades on their report card. Appropriate punishment will also be administered as decided by the Discipline Committee.

9.6.1.   Reading/possession/distribution of pornographic material

9.6.2.     Habitual lateness will result in a conduct grade not higher than satisfactory if late records exceed 9 times in a school term.

9.6.3.     Violating school regulations in regard to student’s uniform and appearance

9.6.4.     Disruptive behaviour in class, e.g. disrespectful or rebellious behaviour to teachers or repeated use of foul language

9.6.5.     Throwing objects from upper floors

9.6.6.     Improper use of electronic devices

9.7.   The following offences will be dealt with by the Discipline Committee and may lead to a “Poor” conduct grade on their report card. Appropriate punishment will also be administered as decided by the Discipline Committee.

9.7.1.     Forged letters and/or parent/guardian signatures

9.7.2.     Cheating or dishonesty in tests/examinations 

9.7.3.     Truancy

9.7.4.     Physical attack of classmates/Fighting with peers on the school campus

9.7.5.     Bullying of any sort e.g. physical assault, spreading rumours, cyberbullying

9.7.6.     Smoking on the campus and/or smoking in uniform anywhere

9.7.7.     Stealing or shoplifting

9.7.8.     Malicious damage to property on the campus

9.7.9.     Involvement/association with triad society or gang activity

9.7.10.   Substance abuse (including alcohol and psychotropic drugs)

9.7.11.   Unauthorised possession of keys to any room in the College or any materials belonging to the College

9.7.12.   Breaking into the server of the College or accessing files not shared with students

9.7.13.   Entering out of bounds areas

9.7.14.   Running or participating in unauthorised activities/groups including online groups which have the potential to damage the College’s reputation

9.7.15.   Any use of mobile phone/other electronic devices to infringe on the privacy, dignity or modesty of any staff or students

9.8.   All offences will be recorded for use in the recommendation of conduct grade on the students’ report card and testimonials. Serious offences could also be reported on the report cards.


Latecomer’s Policy

  1. A student who is late for school is to register at the School Office after 8:00 am for a late slip, which is to be given to the teacher before he may be admitted into class.
  2.  Students entering the school campus after 8:30 am are regarded as late for school (serious cases). Lateness will be monitored and parents/guardians will be contacted immediately by the Form Teachers, Discipline Master, Guidance Mistress, SENCO, School Social Workers and/or Vice-Principals before he may be admitted into class. If a pattern emerges, it will be followed up by the College.
  3. Students entering the school campus after 10:00 am are regarded as absent for half a day. They are to report to the School Office when they come back. A half-day absent slip will be issued and must be handed to the Subject Teacher before he is allowed into the class. Students must hand in a letter of explanation from his parent/guardian on the following school day
  4. If a student is late for 6 times in one term, the Discipline Teachers will follow up with him. If there is still no improvement, a meeting will be arranged between the student’s parents/guardian, Vice-Principals, Discipline Master and Guidance Mistress to work out a counselling plan and his conduct mark will be downgraded in that term’s report card.
  1. The number of late days will be recorded on the students’ report card.


Student Absence

  1. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to be proactive and provide prior notification if their son is going to be absent, or call the School Office by 8:00 am if their son is absent. When a student has been absent from school or after a student takes early leave, he must hand in a letter of excuse and/or doctor’s medical certificate from his parent/guardian to his Form Teacher on the first day he returns to school.
  2. Being absent for 2 school days or more requires a doctor’s medical certificate or official proof. Students unable to abide by the regulations would be considered as truant.
  3. The College has the right to request a doctor’s medical certificate or official proof if a student is frequently absent from school. Students unable to abide by the regulations would be considered as truant.
  4. Lateness, early leave and absence must be explained, especially on special school days, like Swimming Gala, Athletics Meet, School Outing, Christmas Mass, Christmas Gathering, Founder’s Day Mass and Post-examination activities, otherwise it will be seen as truancy.


Participation in Physical Education Lessons  

Physical Education (P.E.) is an integral part of the school curriculum. Every student must participate in P.E. lessons. 

However, if a student has any illness, they should seek medical advice on whether they are suitable to participate in P.E. lessons. If a student needs to be temporarily or perpetually exempted from P.E. lessons, a medical certificate from a registered doctor must be produced.

Parents/Guardians should return the reply slip for participation in P.E. in the beginning of each school year for record keeping. If there are any changes in the student’s health condition, please notify the College immediately.


Prohibited Items

Students are forbidden to bring to school any of the following:

  1. Smart watch
  2. Electronic games/computer games
  3. Router/mobile phone charger/portable charger
  4. Electrical appliance/equipment (excluding laptop)
  5. Skateboard/rollerblades/scooters
  6. Toys
  7. Cigarettes/cigarette lighter
  8. Alcohol in any form
  9. Unsuitable magazines/books/comics/newspaper
  10. Unsuitable posters/pictures
  11. Personal valuables
  12. Camera/video camera
  13. Laser pointer
  14. Any item for sale
  15. Slogan banners, pictures, or any unauthorised items that will cause misrepresentation of the College or potential damage to the reputation of the College


Prohibited items will be confiscated by the school. The items may be kept until the end of school term and returned to the parent/guardian upon collection.

If parents/guardians wish to claim the items earlier, they are to provide the school with a formal written explanation AND collect the items from the Discipline Master or Vice-Principal in person.



Regulations Concerning the Use of Lockers

The College will not take liability for any loss of property.

Routine inspection of lockers will be conducted by Form Teachers and the Discipline Committee. Students concerned will be informed and are to be present during the inspection.

Regulations concerning the use of lockers are as follows:

  1. Form 1 and Form 2 students are assigned a locker according to their class number.
  2. Students are to prepare a padlock for the assigned locker within the first week of school.
  3. Students must treat the lockers with care.
  4. Students are to lock their locker properly at all times.
  5. Students are to organise and clean out their locker regularly.
  6. Students are not to keep any items that are disapproved of by the College in their locker.
  7. Students are to take all necessary learning materials out from their locker before lessons; they are not to use their locker during or between lessons.
  8. Students are not to share their locker with anyone else in any way.
  9. Students are not to stick anything on the lockers.
  10. Students are to empty their locker at least 7 days before the Final Examination begins.
  11. In case of routine inspection of lockers, students are to follow the instructions to open the lockers and make voluntary disclosure of his property for inspection.
  12. Students should report to their Form Teacher or Discipline Teachers immediately if vandalism of the locker is discovered.
  13. Students in Form 3 or above can apply for a locker at the beginning of the school year and get one assigned to them, subject to availability.
  14. Any student who is not able to comply with the regulations will be banned from using a locker.


Mobile Phone and Laptop Policy

Whilst La Salle College provides Wi-Fi and eLearning, the following regulations apply as a means to guide and develop appropriate protocols and etiquette.

  1. Students may bring their mobile phone to school if their parents/guardians deem it a necessity for them to do so.
  2. Students are to switch off all their electronic devices when they are on the campus on normal school days.
  3. If students are found using electronic devices on the school campus during school hours or found with their electronic devices switched on during class time, their electronic devices will be confiscated and will be returned to parents/guardians within school hours for the first time.
  4. If students are caught a second time, they will be banned from bringing their electronic devices to school for one school term.
  5. If the offence involves breaching other school regulations, e.g. cyberbullying, it will result in a serious discipline case.
  6. Students are advised not to bring expensive mobile phones to school. Students are to take good care of their mobile phones, especially during recess, lunch and 

         after school. The College will not take liability for any loss or damage.

  1. Laptops are for educational purposes and cannot be used in the Canteen or recreation areas unless supervised by teachers and are only to be used in designated 

         places such as classrooms, the Library, the Garden and Study Room. 

  1. Violating the mobile devices policy may lead to the lowering of the conduct grade on their report card.


The following offensive material or conduct is strictly prohibited and will be dealt with in accordance with the School Regulations, and in some instances, may result in the College involving the Police or other government agencies:

  1. infringing a person’s copyright or other intellectual property rights
  2. defaming and/or slandering a person or an organisation
  3. containing sexually explicit, indecent, obscene or pornographic materia
  4. discriminating against a person on the basis of sex, race, religion, disability or age
  5. dealing with a person’s personal information in a way that breaches privacy laws
  6. inciting racial hatred, racial harassment or cyberbullying
  7. introducing or passing on malicious software (“virus”)
  8. disrupting the school’s network
  9. breaching school security
  10. constituting a ‘cybercrime
  11. any other act or material otherwise contrary to school rules of policy


If necessary, the College has the right to review the content on the students’ mobile device. Parents/Guardians give the right to the College to review the content on the students’ mobile device even though the content inside might involve a third party other than the student. The College is not to be held liable of breaching any privacy ordinances in this instance.


If necessary, the College has the right to review the content on the students’ mobile device. Parents/Guardians give the right to the College to review the content on the students’ mobile device even though the content inside might involve a third party other than the student. The College is not to be held liable of breaching any privacy ordinances in this instance.


Regulations & Procedures related to Online Learning

In general, students should follow the rules and regulations as laid out in the College Handbook.  In addition to that, when students attend online lessons, they are to pay attention to the following guidelines as well:

  1. making sure they know all the Google Meet/Zoom links, meeting IDs and passwords before lessons begin
  2. entering the meeting room as early as possible, with their full English name as printed on the official class list
  3. contacting teachers as soon as possible in case of unexpected technical problems that may lead to lateness or absence, stating clearly why they cannot join the lesson
  4. dressing properly and switching on their cameras during the lesson (virtual backgrounds are acceptable)
  5. ensuring their microphones are muted until it is their turn to speak
  6. raising their virtual hand if they want to speak
  7. ensuring their teachers’ and other classmates’ privacy by refraining from any means of screenshotting, filming or recording
  8. engaging in the lesson and staying in the meeting room until they are allowed to leave
  9. completing their homework on time, honestly and responsibly, in accordance with the stipulated requirements


Students absent for 4 or more lessons on the same day will be considered absent.  Students must hand in a letter from their parent/guardian, with the support of valid documents (e.g. doctor’s medical certificate or official proof) to the Form Teachers, which will be passed to the School Office.


The following offences will be dealt with by the Discipline Committee and may lead to the lowering of conduct grades on students’ report cards.  Punishment will also be administered justifiably as decided by the Discipline Committee.

  1. Disruptive behaviour in online lessons, e.g. disrespectful or rebellious behaviour to teachers or repeated use of foul language, causing disturbance to others, etc.
  2. Truancy
  3. Habitual unexplained lateness
  4. Habitual failure to submit homework
  5. Unauthorised screenshotting, filming, or recording


The following offences will be dealt with by the Discipline Committee and may lead to a “Poor” conduct grade on students’ report cards. Punishment will also be administered justifiably as decided by the Discipline Committee.

Bullying of any sort, e.g. spreading rumours or inappropriate material, using fake identity, and cyberbullying.


All offences will be kept for the recommendation of conduct grade on students’ report cards and testimonials. Serious offences could also be reported on the report cards.

Code of Student Behaviour - General



  1. The College uniform must be worn correctly and with pride within and outside the school and at all school functions. [Refer to Guide­lines of School Uniform and Appearance.];
  2. The summer uniform includes a plain spread-collar, short sleeved white shirt with school tie, medium-grey school trousers with black belt and plain black leather shoes with black socks. (black V-neck sweater or vest optional.);
  3. The winter uniform includes a black blazer with school badge, a plain V-neck black sweater or vest, a long sleeved white shirt with school tie, medium-grey school trousers, plain black leather shoes with black socks.;
  4. The correct summer and winter P.E. uniform is required for P.E. lessons.;
  5. All students must strictly follow the Guidelines of the School Uniform and Appearance.;


1. Attendance

1.1.    Students must be punctual for all lessons and school activities.

1.2.    All students must tap their student ID card at the main entrance for attendance taking. If students don’t tap their student ID card because they forgot their student ID cards or other reasons, students must report to the School Office immediately.

1.3.    Students must line up at the place of assembly by 7:58 am before the first lesson and by 1:23 pm at the end of lunch time (for winter timetable).

1.4.    Late students are to obtain a late slip from the School Office after 8:00 am before being admitted to their classroom. [Refer to Latecomer’s Policy]

1.5.    Students must not leave the school premises during school hours unless permission has been granted by the Principal (or a delegated authority).

1.6.    Absence or early leave is permitted only in case of sickness or with prior permission by the Principal. Students must hand in a letter from their parent/guardian, with the support of valid documents (e.g. doctor’s medical certificate, or official proof), which are signed by their Form Teacher, seeking permission prior to the absence or the following day of early leave due to illness. 

1.7.    Lateness, early leave and absence must be explained, especially on special school days, like Swimming Gala, Athletics Meet, School Outing, Christmas Mass, Christmas Gathering, Founder’s Day Mass and post examination activities; otherwise, it will be seen as truancy. If the absence is known before the above-mentioned special school days, approval from the Principal must be obtained. Otherwise, students must provide valid documents (e.g. doctor’s medical certificate or official proof) which are signed by their Form Teacher.

1.8.    Students are advised not to have medical/dental/musical appointments during school hours.

1.9.    If a student becomes ill at school or wishes to leave early, he should report to the teacher in class and obtain an early-leave slip from the School Office, which will be signed by the Form Teacher and countersigned by the Principal (or a delegated authority). He will be sent home after the College has notified his parents/guardians.

1.10.  A student who is unable to participate in P.E. lessons is to seek for prior approval from the Principal. (P.E. is a compulsory and essential element of the curriculum for all students.)


2. Conduct

2.1.     Students must behave well at school and in public at all times.

2.2.     Students should use the simple, polite and appropriate language of a school boy. Any student using vulgar, rude or threatening language is a disgrace to himself and to the College. Use of abusive/foul language both in and outside of the College will be punished.

2.3.     Students should observe proper protocol with their best behaviour during all school activities, assemblies and functions.

2.4.     Unbecoming behaviour, like screaming and booing, is not allowed at any time inside or outside of the College.  

2.5.     Only one person talks at a time. Due respect should be given to the presenter by observing silence and attentiveness.

2.6.     Students are to stand up and greet their teachers or visitors when they enter or leave the classrooms.

2.7.     Students are to respect supporting staff, janitors and security guards. 

2.8.     To promote and cater for learning and teaching, the school does not allow students to participate in unauthorised activities of any sort on campus, let alone any unlawful or criminal activities.


3. General School Rules and Regulations

3.1.    Students are to carry their student ID card at all times for identification purposes. Students must ensure that their student ID cards are kept secure and are not deliberately or inadvertently made available for use by any other person.

3.2.    To enhance campus security, on non-school days, students must present their student ID cards when entering the campus. The guard will keep a record of their entry and exit of the campus.

3.3.    Students must treat school property with care. Students should not deface furniture, e.g. carve on the desk, draw with correction pen on desks or chairs, etc.

3.4.    Students are not to bring any items that are disapproved of by the school. [Refer to Prohibited Items.]

3.5.    Students are not permitted to enter any rooms without teacher supervision.

3.6.    Students are to line up quickly and observe strict silence when the first bell rings or when they go to or come back from laboratories, special rooms, P.E. lessons, etc. Students should keep good order and keep to the left when using corridors and staircases.

3.7.    Students are to leave their classrooms and corridors during recess and lunch break.

3.8.    Students are to sit according to the seating plan. Seats can only be changed with the approval of the Form Teacher.

3.9.    Students are not to leave their classrooms during a lesson without their teacher’s permission. Use of personal lockers during and in between lessons is strictly forbidden. [Refer to Regulations Concerning the Use of Lockers.]

3.10.  Phones and mobile devices are not to be used once a student is on the campus until the end of the school day unless directed by teachers. [Refer to Mobile Phone and Laptop Policy.]

3.11.  Playing card games or Rubik’s Cube is not permitted at any time on the College campus except during club activity sessions with teacher’s supervision. 

3.12.  Electronic games and texting are not permitted at any time on the College campus unless directed and supervised by a teacher.

3.13.  Food or drink are only allowed at the designated places. (the Canteen on LG1, the Tuck Shop and the Covered Playground (beside the swimming pool) on G/F). Gum is not permitted anywhere on the campus.

3.14.  Students are to follow the directions of the school personnel and the security guards as they are carrying out authorised school instructions.


4. Safety Rules

4.1.     Students are not to slide down the handrails.

4.2.     Students are not to move the chairs and tables in the Garden without good reason.

4.3.     Students are not to run along the corridors, staircases or in the Lower Quadrangle.


5. Assignments

5.1.     Students must complete all written and oral assignments every day.

5.2.     For students who fail to submit their assignments, teachers may exercise punishment or mark penalty at their own discretion.


6. Out of Bounds

The following places are out of bounds to ALL students:

6.1.    The Brothers’ living quarters on 5/F

6.2.    The Staff Rooms

6.3.    The canteen and the tuck shop during lesson time

6.4.    The Gym Gallery and all corridors in LG1 and LG2 except those facing the football field

6.5.    The car park

6.6.    The lifts

6.7.    Staircases in the Aimar and Cassian Wings

6.8.    The roof


7. Use Of School Facilities

7.1.     All students must carry their student ID card whenever they enter the College campus for checking purposes. Failure to do so will result in being barred from entering the school campus.

7.2.     All students (including students who have been dismissed for public examinations) must wear proper school uniform if they attend any school organised activities, events, student meetings, meeting teachers or studying on school days until the end of the school year in mid-July.

7.3.     Students who need to enter a classroom after school or when the classroom is locked are to register at the School Office. Students are required to have a teacher/guard present.

7.4.     Students must not leave their valuables unattended to avoid loss or theft, especially during inter-class ball games and competitions. In case of any loss, they should report to the School Office immediately. The College will not take liability for any loss or damage.

7.5.     No ball games are allowed in the covered areas or in the Lower Quadrangle. Students are not to play football on the basketball court or in any indoor rooms. Football games may only take place on the football pitch.

7.6.     All student activities are to finish by 5:30 pm from Monday to Friday. All students must leave the school campus, except those with special permission and under the supervision of the teacher advisors. The security guards will lock all rooms after 5:30 pm.

7.7.     There should be no ball games during the examination period.


N.B.: The teacher in charge of school security matters will work with the Vice-Principal to monitor the security matters and help in the safekeeping of the school facilities after school.


8. School Cleanliness

8.1.     Students should have their meals in the three designated eating places on the campus: the Canteen on LG1, the Tuck Shop and the Covered Playground (beside the swimming pool) on G/F. They should return their plates and utensils to the designated trays and trolleys and put the rubbish properly in the rubbish bin.

8.2.      Students are not to eat or drink anywhere on the campus outside of the  designated eating places (the Canteen on LG1, the Tuck Shop and the Covered Playground (beside the swimming pool) on G/F).

8.3.     Students are not to litter anywhere on the campus.

8.4.     Inside the classroom:

 8.4.1.     Students are to keep the floor clean of rubbish of any kind.

 8.4.2.     Students are to clear the windowsill of any objects.

 8.4.3.     Students are to clear the inside of their desk of rubbish at the end of the school day.


9. Disciplinary Measures

9.1.   Depending on the nature and seriousness of the offences, penalties such as verbal warning, community service, detention, class suspension, school suspension and expulsion may result. The Principal will use his discretion in the final decision.

9.2.   For students who violate regulations regarding uniform and appearance:

9.2.1.    Students must immediately correct their uniform or hairstyle if it does not comply with the required standard. Parents/Guardians will be notified.

9.2.2.    If the student cannot meet the requirement, he will be sent home to change his uniform or hairstyle after notifying parents/guardians, even during examination time.

9.3.   Form Teachers and Subject Teachers will record offences into the eDiscipline module of eClass. Form Teachers and Subject Teachers will deal with minor offences immediately, e.g. leaving seat without permission, talkative in class, etc. A verbal warning will be given.

9.4.    Students may be required to perform a period of community service inside/ outside school to show their wish to transform and correct their misbehaviour.

9.5.    A teacher may send a student to the Homework Detention Class after school.(Tuesday 1-hour)  A Detention Referral Form will be given to the student for  parent’s/guardian’s signature and the signed form is to be handed in to the teacher concerned before detention. Students attending this Homework Detention Class will be required to finish the assigned work by the teachers. Attendance is compuslory.

9.6.    The following offences will be dealt with by the Discipline Committee and may lead to the lowering of conduct grades on their report card. Appropriate punishment will also be administered as decided by the Discipline Committee.

9.6.1.   Reading/possession/distribution of pornographic material

9.6.2.     Habitual lateness will result in a conduct grade not higher than satisfactory if late records exceed 9 times in a school term.

9.6.3.     Violating school regulations in regard to student’s uniform and appearance

9.6.4.     Disruptive behaviour in class, e.g. disrespectful or rebellious behaviour to teachers or repeated use of foul language

9.6.5.     Throwing objects from upper floors

9.6.6.     Improper use of electronic devices

9.7.   The following offences will be dealt with by the Discipline Committee and may lead to a “Poor” conduct grade on their report card. Appropriate punishment will also be administered as decided by the Discipline Committee.

9.7.1.     Forged letters and/or parent/guardian signatures

9.7.2.     Cheating or dishonesty in tests/examinations 

9.7.3.     Truancy

9.7.4.     Physical attack of classmates/Fighting with peers on the school campus

9.7.5.     Bullying of any sort e.g. physical assault, spreading rumours, cyberbullying

9.7.6.     Smoking on the campus and/or smoking in uniform anywhere

9.7.7.     Stealing or shoplifting

9.7.8.     Malicious damage to property on the campus

9.7.9.     Involvement/association with triad society or gang activity

9.7.10.   Substance abuse (including alcohol and psychotropic drugs)

9.7.11.   Unauthorised possession of keys to any room in the College or any materials belonging to the College

9.7.12.   Breaking into the server of the College or accessing files not shared with students

9.7.13.   Entering out of bounds areas

9.7.14.   Running or participating in unauthorised activities/groups including online groups which have the potential to damage the College’s reputation

9.7.15.   Any use of mobile phone/other electronic devices to infringe on the privacy, dignity or modesty of any staff or students

9.8.   All offences will be recorded for use in the recommendation of conduct grade on the students’ report card and testimonials. Serious offences could also be reported on the report cards.


Latecomer’s Policy

  1. A student who is late for school is to register at the School Office after 8:00 am for a late slip, which is to be given to the teacher before he may be admitted into class.
  2.  Students entering the school campus after 8:30 am are regarded as late for school (serious cases). Lateness will be monitored and parents/guardians will be contacted immediately by the Form Teachers, Discipline Master, Guidance Mistress, SENCO, School Social Workers and/or Vice-Principals before he may be admitted into class. If a pattern emerges, it will be followed up by the College.
  3. Students entering the school campus after 10:00 am are regarded as absent for half a day. They are to report to the School Office when they come back. A half-day absent slip will be issued and must be handed to the Subject Teacher before he is allowed into the class. Students must hand in a letter of explanation from his parent/guardian on the following school day
  4. If a student is late for 6 times in one term, the Discipline Teachers will follow up with him. If there is still no improvement, a meeting will be arranged between the student’s parents/guardian, Vice-Principals, Discipline Master and Guidance Mistress to work out a counselling plan and his conduct mark will be downgraded in that term’s report card.
  1. The number of late days will be recorded on the students’ report card.


Student Absence

  1. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to be proactive and provide prior notification if their son is going to be absent, or call the School Office by 8:00 am if their son is absent. When a student has been absent from school or after a student takes early leave, he must hand in a letter of excuse and/or doctor’s medical certificate from his parent/guardian to his Form Teacher on the first day he returns to school.
  2. Being absent for 2 school days or more requires a doctor’s medical certificate or official proof. Students unable to abide by the regulations would be considered as truant.
  3. The College has the right to request a doctor’s medical certificate or official proof if a student is frequently absent from school. Students unable to abide by the regulations would be considered as truant.
  4. Lateness, early leave and absence must be explained, especially on special school days, like Swimming Gala, Athletics Meet, School Outing, Christmas Mass, Christmas Gathering, Founder’s Day Mass and Post-examination activities, otherwise it will be seen as truancy.


Participation in Physical Education Lessons  

Physical Education (P.E.) is an integral part of the school curriculum. Every student must participate in P.E. lessons. 

However, if a student has any illness, they should seek medical advice on whether they are suitable to participate in P.E. lessons. If a student needs to be temporarily or perpetually exempted from P.E. lessons, a medical certificate from a registered doctor must be produced.

Parents/Guardians should return the reply slip for participation in P.E. in the beginning of each school year for record keeping. If there are any changes in the student’s health condition, please notify the College immediately.


Prohibited Items

Students are forbidden to bring to school any of the following:

  1. Smart watch
  2. Electronic games/computer games
  3. Router/mobile phone charger/portable charger
  4. Electrical appliance/equipment (excluding laptop)
  5. Skateboard/rollerblades/scooters
  6. Toys
  7. Cigarettes/cigarette lighter
  8. Alcohol in any form
  9. Unsuitable magazines/books/comics/newspaper
  10. Unsuitable posters/pictures
  11. Personal valuables
  12. Camera/video camera
  13. Laser pointer
  14. Any item for sale
  15. Slogan banners, pictures, or any unauthorised items that will cause misrepresentation of the College or potential damage to the reputation of the College


Prohibited items will be confiscated by the school. The items may be kept until the end of school term and returned to the parent/guardian upon collection.

If parents/guardians wish to claim the items earlier, they are to provide the school with a formal written explanation AND collect the items from the Discipline Master or Vice-Principal in person.



Regulations Concerning the Use of Lockers

The College will not take liability for any loss of property.

Routine inspection of lockers will be conducted by Form Teachers and the Discipline Committee. Students concerned will be informed and are to be present during the inspection.

Regulations concerning the use of lockers are as follows:

  1. Form 1 and Form 2 students are assigned a locker according to their class number.
  2. Students are to prepare a padlock for the assigned locker within the first week of school.
  3. Students must treat the lockers with care.
  4. Students are to lock their locker properly at all times.
  5. Students are to organise and clean out their locker regularly.
  6. Students are not to keep any items that are disapproved of by the College in their locker.
  7. Students are to take all necessary learning materials out from their locker before lessons; they are not to use their locker during or between lessons.
  8. Students are not to share their locker with anyone else in any way.
  9. Students are not to stick anything on the lockers.
  10. Students are to empty their locker at least 7 days before the Final Examination begins.
  11. In case of routine inspection of lockers, students are to follow the instructions to open the lockers and make voluntary disclosure of his property for inspection.
  12. Students should report to their Form Teacher or Discipline Teachers immediately if vandalism of the locker is discovered.
  13. Students in Form 3 or above can apply for a locker at the beginning of the school year and get one assigned to them, subject to availability.
  14. Any student who is not able to comply with the regulations will be banned from using a locker.


Mobile Phone and Laptop Policy

Whilst La Salle College provides Wi-Fi and eLearning, the following regulations apply as a means to guide and develop appropriate protocols and etiquette.

  1. Students may bring their mobile phone to school if their parents/guardians deem it a necessity for them to do so.
  2. Students are to switch off all their electronic devices when they are on the campus on normal school days.
  3. If students are found using electronic devices on the school campus during school hours or found with their electronic devices switched on during class time, their electronic devices will be confiscated and will be returned to parents/guardians within school hours for the first time.
  4. If students are caught a second time, they will be banned from bringing their electronic devices to school for one school term.
  5. If the offence involves breaching other school regulations, e.g. cyberbullying, it will result in a serious discipline case.
  6. Students are advised not to bring expensive mobile phones to school. Students are to take good care of their mobile phones, especially during recess, lunch and 

         after school. The College will not take liability for any loss or damage.

  1. Laptops are for educational purposes and cannot be used in the Canteen or recreation areas unless supervised by teachers and are only to be used in designated 

         places such as classrooms, the Library, the Garden and Study Room. 

  1. Violating the mobile devices policy may lead to the lowering of the conduct grade on their report card.


The following offensive material or conduct is strictly prohibited and will be dealt with in accordance with the School Regulations, and in some instances, may result in the College involving the Police or other government agencies:

  1. infringing a person’s copyright or other intellectual property rights
  2. defaming and/or slandering a person or an organisation
  3. containing sexually explicit, indecent, obscene or pornographic materia
  4. discriminating against a person on the basis of sex, race, religion, disability or age
  5. dealing with a person’s personal information in a way that breaches privacy laws
  6. inciting racial hatred, racial harassment or cyberbullying
  7. introducing or passing on malicious software (“virus”)
  8. disrupting the school’s network
  9. breaching school security
  10. constituting a ‘cybercrime
  11. any other act or material otherwise contrary to school rules of policy


If necessary, the College has the right to review the content on the students’ mobile device. Parents/Guardians give the right to the College to review the content on the students’ mobile device even though the content inside might involve a third party other than the student. The College is not to be held liable of breaching any privacy ordinances in this instance.


If necessary, the College has the right to review the content on the students’ mobile device. Parents/Guardians give the right to the College to review the content on the students’ mobile device even though the content inside might involve a third party other than the student. The College is not to be held liable of breaching any privacy ordinances in this instance.


Regulations & Procedures related to Online Learning

In general, students should follow the rules and regulations as laid out in the College Handbook.  In addition to that, when students attend online lessons, they are to pay attention to the following guidelines as well:

  1. making sure they know all the Google Meet/Zoom links, meeting IDs and passwords before lessons begin
  2. entering the meeting room as early as possible, with their full English name as printed on the official class list
  3. contacting teachers as soon as possible in case of unexpected technical problems that may lead to lateness or absence, stating clearly why they cannot join the lesson
  4. dressing properly and switching on their cameras during the lesson (virtual backgrounds are acceptable)
  5. ensuring their microphones are muted until it is their turn to speak
  6. raising their virtual hand if they want to speak
  7. ensuring their teachers’ and other classmates’ privacy by refraining from any means of screenshotting, filming or recording
  8. engaging in the lesson and staying in the meeting room until they are allowed to leave
  9. completing their homework on time, honestly and responsibly, in accordance with the stipulated requirements


Students absent for 4 or more lessons on the same day will be considered absent.  Students must hand in a letter from their parent/guardian, with the support of valid documents (e.g. doctor’s medical certificate or official proof) to the Form Teachers, which will be passed to the School Office.


The following offences will be dealt with by the Discipline Committee and may lead to the lowering of conduct grades on students’ report cards.  Punishment will also be administered justifiably as decided by the Discipline Committee.

  1. Disruptive behaviour in online lessons, e.g. disrespectful or rebellious behaviour to teachers or repeated use of foul language, causing disturbance to others, etc.
  2. Truancy
  3. Habitual unexplained lateness
  4. Habitual failure to submit homework
  5. Unauthorised screenshotting, filming, or recording


The following offences will be dealt with by the Discipline Committee and may lead to a “Poor” conduct grade on students’ report cards. Punishment will also be administered justifiably as decided by the Discipline Committee.

Bullying of any sort, e.g. spreading rumours or inappropriate material, using fake identity, and cyberbullying.


All offences will be kept for the recommendation of conduct grade on students’ report cards and testimonials. Serious offences could also be reported on the report cards.