Regulations and Procedures Related to Online Learning


In general, students should follow the rules and regulations as laid down in the Student Handbook. In addition to that, when you attend online lessons, please pay attention to the following guidelines as well: 


Students are responsible for:

  1. Making sure you know all the Google Meet or Zoom links, meeting IDs and passwords before lesson begins.
  2. Entering the meeting room as early as you can before a lesson begins, with their full English name as printed in the school official class list.
  3. Contacting your teacher as soon as possible in case of unexpected technical problems that may lead to lateness or absence, stating clearly why you cannot join the lesson.
  4. Dressing properly and switching on your camera during the lesson (i.e., virtual backgrounds are acceptable).
  5. Ensuring your microphone is off until it is your turn to speak.
  6. Raising virtual hand if you want to speak.
  7. Ensuring teachers and other classmates’ privacy by refraining from any means of taking screenshots, filming or recording.
  8. Engaging in the lesson and staying in the meeting room until dismissed.
  9. Completing homework on time, honestly and responsibly, in accordance with the stipulated requirements.


Students absent for four or more lessons on the same day will be considered as absentees. Students must hand in a letter from their parent/guardian, with the support of valid documents (e.g. doctor’s medical certificate, or official proof) to their Form Teachers, which will be passed to the school office. 


The following offences will be dealt with by the Discipline Committee and may lead to the lowering of conduct grades on students’ report cards. Punishment will also be administered justifiably as decided by the Discipline Committee.


  • Disruptive behaviour in online lessons, e.g., disrespectful or rebellious behaviour to teachers or repeated use of foul language, causing disturbance to others, etc.
  • Truancy
  • Habitual unexplained lateness
  • Habitual failure to submit homework
  • Unauthorised taking of screenshots, filming or recording


The following offences will be dealt with by the Discipline Committee and may lead to a “Poor” conduct grade on students’ report cards. Punishment will also be administered justifiably as decided by the Discipline Committee.


  • Bullying of any sort, e.g., spreading rumours or inappropriate materials, using fake identity or cyberbullying


All offences will be kept in the school WebSAMS in the recommendation of conduct grade on students’ report cards and testimonials. Serious offences could also be reported on the report cards.

Regulations and Procedures Related to Online Learning


In general, students should follow the rules and regulations as laid down in the Student Handbook. In addition to that, when you attend online lessons, please pay attention to the following guidelines as well: 


Students are responsible for:

  1. Making sure you know all the Google Meet or Zoom links, meeting IDs and passwords before lesson begins.
  2. Entering the meeting room as early as you can before a lesson begins, with their full English name as printed in the school official class list.
  3. Contacting your teacher as soon as possible in case of unexpected technical problems that may lead to lateness or absence, stating clearly why you cannot join the lesson.
  4. Dressing properly and switching on your camera during the lesson (i.e., virtual backgrounds are acceptable).
  5. Ensuring your microphone is off until it is your turn to speak.
  6. Raising virtual hand if you want to speak.
  7. Ensuring teachers and other classmates’ privacy by refraining from any means of taking screenshots, filming or recording.
  8. Engaging in the lesson and staying in the meeting room until dismissed.
  9. Completing homework on time, honestly and responsibly, in accordance with the stipulated requirements.


Students absent for four or more lessons on the same day will be considered as absentees. Students must hand in a letter from their parent/guardian, with the support of valid documents (e.g. doctor’s medical certificate, or official proof) to their Form Teachers, which will be passed to the school office. 


The following offences will be dealt with by the Discipline Committee and may lead to the lowering of conduct grades on students’ report cards. Punishment will also be administered justifiably as decided by the Discipline Committee.


  • Disruptive behaviour in online lessons, e.g., disrespectful or rebellious behaviour to teachers or repeated use of foul language, causing disturbance to others, etc.
  • Truancy
  • Habitual unexplained lateness
  • Habitual failure to submit homework
  • Unauthorised taking of screenshots, filming or recording


The following offences will be dealt with by the Discipline Committee and may lead to a “Poor” conduct grade on students’ report cards. Punishment will also be administered justifiably as decided by the Discipline Committee.


  • Bullying of any sort, e.g., spreading rumours or inappropriate materials, using fake identity or cyberbullying


All offences will be kept in the school WebSAMS in the recommendation of conduct grade on students’ report cards and testimonials. Serious offences could also be reported on the report cards.